Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blog #3: Take Aways From The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court 

    Throughout watching the Supreme Court videos Part 1 and 2, as well as eyeing information on https://www.history.com/topics/us-government-and politics/supreme-court-facts I have some key take aways I'd like to highlight. As we all know, the Supreme Court is a very important part of how our "system" works. Without it the United States may be even more lost than they have ever been before. To keep it simple, The Supreme Court stands tall as the most profound federal court in the country and regulates the judicial branch. It was put in place due to the constitution, and overtime has kept those archives safe and sound, as this court of law has the most power in jurisdiction.A case that was taken to the Supreme Court that is still highly talked about today and has been challenged is Roe V. Wade. Roe V. Wade occurred in 1973, opening a can of worms debating on whether or not women should have the right to abortions. It was ruled that,"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception." This means that abortions had been federally protected and a considered a right by the government. 

    In 2022, uproars occurred across the country as Roe V. Wade had been challenged and overturned. Causing what once was protected and a federal right to be stripped away. Very quickly states began banning abortions, leaving women outraged. What shocked me when this happened is that I did not know that they could end up overturning a case they already made a decision on. Especially with it being so long ago. If you made the decision to grant someone abortion rights and protection why take it back? And when you made the decision to overturn it, are there other outlets for people who may need this source out there that are safe. Having it there will guarantee that people who are in situations can choose how they want to live their life and what is the best decision for them in that moment. The most important and surprising take away from The Supreme Court is that each year that get about a thousand or so petitions and only accept a small percentage out of the bunch. Is this fair or is this unfair? Is someone's petition more worthy than someone else's? In the future will more be accepted or will the Supreme Court always stick to their roots? In conclusion, throughout the Supreme Court videos, I thought about how the justices have to put the law first aside from their own opinions, beliefs, and values when making a decision on what is presented in front of them. If it were me, it would seem hard to do depending on the situation.

Roe V. Wade Case

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