Thursday, January 19, 2023

Blog #4: Values Of Free Expression

Free Expression


  When it comes to the Eight Values of Free Expression Individual Self-Fulfillment one hundred percent resonates with me the most. I like to speak freely and be myself without anyone else trying to censor that part of being me (Brittan). So let's get into it, shall we. Essentially, Individual Fulfillment by definition is "Free speech enabling individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy (Media Law and Literacy Page)." The first thing that pops into my mind when it comes to Free Speech not only for myself, but for others out in the world is cancel culture. With a large majority of our generation being connected as well as expressing ourselves daily through countless social media platforms you can be cancelled for your own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, values, and actions at any given moment or second. 

    In the real world, Free speech and expression are seriously threatened by cancel culture. In an effort to avoid being "canceled," people may censor themselves, choosing to keep quiet rather than run the risk of negative public reactions. This self-censorship is risky since it silences free thought and hinders growth. This tactic makes it impossible to find a middle ground in conversations. I find it interesting that cancel culture doesn't neceessarily violate the First Amendment, but instead censors people from using their voices to state their opinions. The purpose of free speech is to express your opinions or ideas without the fear of being harmed or punished. Cancel culture makes it hostile for people to find a balance to express themselves, and free speech can be infringed. Individuals being frightened to freely express their beliefs leads them to take a less honest route throughout their encounters with one another. 

    Continuing on, this affects an individual's ability to critically think and creates less room space for unique perspectives. It ultimately defeats the purpose of free speech and creates an obstacle for individuals to have meaningful interactions. People avoid meaningful online conversations because of this poisonous climate and their fear of the repercussions of voicing their thoughts. As a result, the online community becomes less inclusive, varied, and representative. The question that needs to be asked is: Were you silent, or were you SILENCED? Different perspectives helps people gain more knowledge and grow beyond themselves. If we punish those who have a different take from our own, can the world truly grow? Free Expression is a right that we are all guaranteed and should feel comfortable broadcasting all throughout the world for everyone to see. 

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