Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blog #7: Technology Introduced By A Classmate

 The New York Daily Times (aka) The New York Times

    While watching group presentations and presenting, learning more about New York Times found my interest. I live in New Jersey, and I am aware of New York Times being a main news outlet one state away. Searching for news to relate on, I have pulled away from this outlet due to it forcing people to subscribe in order to read articles and information all the way through. I think that it is important for what’s going on throughout society to be easily accessible and free of charge. I understand that it is a business on the other side of things and this may be working in their favor, but there may be other individuals in the world that has the same view point as I do. 

   Who, What, When, Where, and Why you might ask, let’s get into it! The New York Times formerly known as The New York Daily times was founded in 1851. Their prices go up daily due to other competition throughout the United States. Although, this outlet still ends up losing $1,000 a week in comparison. Adolph Simon Ochs bought this company in 1896, and with it being known today in 2023 shows that it was worth it. His mission was to eliminate fiction in paper, while also adding in new elements such as a Sunday magazine section. In addition to that, he ultimately wanted to decrease the price of it back to a penny.

    In April 1912, two main highlights that skyrocketed their exposure was the sinking of the Titanic, and then two world wars. These real world experiences reported by this company made them become more recognized in the news world, and changed the reputation of news for generations to come. Later down the line, The New York Times' publication of the Pentagon Papers granted them a Pulitzer Prize in 1972. By the early 21st century they had won more than 120 Pulitzers. 

    The New York Times went from paper to majority electronic in the early 2000's due to technology being more advanced. Learning more about them, I think that I will actually subscribe to see more of their work, and how they have advanced in writing overtime. I enjoy exploring news outlets that I dont usually look into, because it gives a new perspective of topics that are being talked about by many.

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