Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog #6: Exploring and The American Conservative

 Anti War and The American Conservative

    Throughout society and the media there are many different forms of communication as well as opinions. Are all of these messages and opinions valid? There are many forms of biased, false, and non factual information being put out there to change perspectives or push specific narratives. One of the hardest things nowadays, is to determine whether or not the information being thrown in front of us by media outlets is true and worthwhile, or false and a bunch of garbage. Mainstream news outlets speak on wars freely and openly. When there is a potential risk of America and American citizens being harmed by another country or needing to fight for our lives it is publicized everywhere. But this draws the question why is AntiWar less covered and spoken about in the media as well. Its almost as if you have AntiWar views then that deems you less of an American in society. 

    Looking further on AntiWar's website, they provide many details on  United States foreign policies, their involvement, and spreading the word about non-interventionism. Doing more digging, it proves that the media determines what is news worthy and what is not. This leads to AntiWar news being silenced and less publicized. They dont want to speak on this because this is not what this country stands for necessarily. People would rather highlight war and not having a mature discussion on different viewpoints of it. Overall, everyone should have a voice when it comes to their opinions especially Americans who believe in Anti-war. They should not be struck down because of it. All news out there is important, not just the news that the government or a specific company thinks will be the best appeal to their audience. When you dont speak or cover a topic, it gives citizens less likelihood to be educated on it and gain a new perspective to also share out there amongst others. Antiwar I have never seen reported a day in my life. But, I have seen countless times news on The United States going to war with another country and threats made by one another, and details on when troops would be sent out. In all both sides are important, and have purpose, and we should recognize the faults the media makes daily by pushing one narrative out there rather than another.

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