Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Blog #5 EOTO Project Motion Pictures

All About Motion Pictures 


    In Metz France, Louis Le Prince was a french artist known to be one of the first to introduce motion pictures using a single lens camera and a strip of film in 1888. There are 3  forms of Motion Pictures including Movies, Films, and Still Photography with movement. "A film, also called a movie or a motion picture, is a series of still photographs on film projected onto a screen using light in rapid succession. The optical phenomenon known as persistence of vision gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement. https://www.britannica.com/technology/motion-picture-technology" Motion pictures range from documentaries, Experimental, Animated, Fictional genres such as comedies, thrillers, musicals, and more. Some of the major awards given for films are the Academy Awards, the British Academy of Film and Television Awards, and the Césars. The use of brownish lighting, filters, and props, for example, has come to signify the past in films about American life in the early 20th century. Heavily used in The GodFather and Days in Heaven. The brownish tone that is associated with such films is a visual code intended to evoke a viewer’s perceptions of an earlier era, when photographs were printed in brown tones. 

    Lets focus on what are the positives, negatives, and impacts of motion pictures? Film can positively convey drama and emotion, by doing so it gives the viewer a feel making what they are watching feel firsthand or relatable. Not only that, Motion pictures are very complex and involve other communication art forms. Without other art forms such as sound recording, photography, and optics motion pictures would be less advanced as they are today and could have possibly never existed in the first place. Since the discovery of motion pictures, it has become one of the most popular and influential media of the 20th century and beyond. On the other side of things Motion Pictures can also negatively portray a topic, can be violent, misleading, or overall fantasy that can cause false realities. I think it all goes back to communicating your message, and media entirely. How might something be taken in, and also considering the idea that everything being shown may not be taken the same. In addition to that Films and projectors must be transported and maintained. These are main sources of creating Motion Pictures and have to be in good condition or the quality of it can be horrible. Lastly, Films are often used as a form of entertainment rather than an aid to teaching. This can make or break the Motion Pictures world because some films are more sought out than others and people dont want to be educated and taught everyday, but rather have something more light hearted and enjoyable to watch.


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