Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Blog #1: My Sources of News & Entertainment

News Sources:

    The world is full of constant news, entertainment, and stories for the world to explore and expand on. News circulates fast especially in the day and age we live in. At just one click of a button, the same story has been reported various amounts of times, but all in their own unique way leaving individuals to wonder what is factual and what is not. It is interesting how much media has developed overtime, especially  in this generation with technology taking over the traditional paper route. Continuing on, the sources I invest my time in are TheShadeRoom, Apple News, Instagram, TMZ, and Tik Tok. 



    TheShadeRoom is by far my favorite news outlet. This platform is widely recognized on Instagram with millions of followers. Daily, this platform highlights news circulating throughout the world on impactful issues and content, celebrities, creating fun debates, and a room for multiple opinions throughout comment section. 

 Apple News:

I get Apple News notifications all the time, because I am a Apple User. I dont check this outlet as often, but I do read the updates they give here and there. They report on world news like any other typical news outlet, but make it more accessible at your finger tips and through a app.


TMZ, is strictly for entertainment and celebrity gossip as our generation says, “the latest tea." They also take time to report more serious aspects on a celebrities like deaths and other unfortunate circumstances. Nine times out of ten, these celebrity gossip websites have their facts straight. Not only that, I find celebrity gossip very entertaining, because you don't know exactly all the time what is real and what is the half truth. This allows me to do more research on the topic and get to the bottom of things. 

Instagram and Tik Tok: 

These are the main social media platforms I am on. Although they aren't mainly news based, a lot of opinions, ideas, thoughts, values, and beliefs can be shared on each platform. Instead of it being a formal news outlet it allows for its users to circulate news that is more home to them and connect in a unique way. In addition to this, there are many things you can learn and as weird as it seems these two platforms actually make me want to look further into news more than a real new company or site does. The vibe of it  appeals to this generation more and makes it more interesting and fun. 

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