Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Blog #9: EOTO Project Citizen Journalism

The Importance of Citizen Journalism:

 Citizen Journalism is the collecting and reporting of information via social media, public platforms, and traditional news outlets, either by non-traditional sources or the public The assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred on November 22, 1963, is considered the first ever form of Citizen Journalism. This moment in history, was a transformative live, global TV news event sweeping the industry without a playbook for covering a breaking story.Ultimately changed how people receive their news for generations to come. Back then the main streams of news was either by radio or television. Citizen Journalism has become increasingly popular with the rise in popularity of smartphones. Everyday we are citizen journalists by participating and posting on social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook for example. This type of journalism relates to us as college students, because it is conducted by people who are not professional journalists usually communicating information giving original perspectives and ideas.

    In addition to that, Citizen Journalism simply allows us to express our thoughts, beliefs, views, and opinions freely without being censored of having to go through a major company telling us what narrative to push or what to say in order to please a specific audience. Citizen journalism has been highly recognized in other forms such as podcasts and blogs. Substack is a very popular site that  helps anyone set up a blog and email newsletter. No tech knowledge is required. Without ads and algorithms to get in the way, you can sustain a direct relationship with your readers and retain full control over your creative work. Matthew Taibbi is an American author, journalist, and podcaster. He has reported on finance, media, politics, and sports. A former contributing editor for Rolling Stone,  an author of several books, co-host of Useful Idiots, and publisher of the newsletter Racket News (formerly TK News) on Substack.

    Overtime, Citizen journalism has expanded its worldwide influence despite continuing concerns over whether citizen journalists are as reliable as trained professionals. I one hundred percent understand the concern that this can cause in the world. This all goes back to deciphering between false, unreliable and biased news. How can we get the full story based on a snapchat story, or a simple take from an individual for example. I feel as though citizen journalism is a very impactful way to disperse news without professionally working for a company. Often times, I have gotten insight on news and things that are going on strictly from social media or friends account. I then go to a more reliable source that can provide facts and more details on the topic of discussion. Without this type of journalism, the news world would be lacking severely. We need views, beliefs, thoughts, opinions, etc from normal people living in everyday society. This allows for us to gain new perspectives and create more readership and viewership on circumstances and bigger companies outlets. Citizen journalism has deeply impacted the way news is created and consumed. Overall, it has removed the distinction between journalist and viewer.



Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blog #7: Technology Introduced By A Classmate

 The New York Daily Times (aka) The New York Times

    While watching group presentations and presenting, learning more about New York Times found my interest. I live in New Jersey, and I am aware of New York Times being a main news outlet one state away. Searching for news to relate on, I have pulled away from this outlet due to it forcing people to subscribe in order to read articles and information all the way through. I think that it is important for what’s going on throughout society to be easily accessible and free of charge. I understand that it is a business on the other side of things and this may be working in their favor, but there may be other individuals in the world that has the same view point as I do. 

   Who, What, When, Where, and Why you might ask, let’s get into it! The New York Times formerly known as The New York Daily times was founded in 1851. Their prices go up daily due to other competition throughout the United States. Although, this outlet still ends up losing $1,000 a week in comparison. Adolph Simon Ochs bought this company in 1896, and with it being known today in 2023 shows that it was worth it. His mission was to eliminate fiction in paper, while also adding in new elements such as a Sunday magazine section. In addition to that, he ultimately wanted to decrease the price of it back to a penny.

    In April 1912, two main highlights that skyrocketed their exposure was the sinking of the Titanic, and then two world wars. These real world experiences reported by this company made them become more recognized in the news world, and changed the reputation of news for generations to come. Later down the line, The New York Times' publication of the Pentagon Papers granted them a Pulitzer Prize in 1972. By the early 21st century they had won more than 120 Pulitzers. 

    The New York Times went from paper to majority electronic in the early 2000's due to technology being more advanced. Learning more about them, I think that I will actually subscribe to see more of their work, and how they have advanced in writing overtime. I enjoy exploring news outlets that I dont usually look into, because it gives a new perspective of topics that are being talked about by many.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog #6: Exploring Antiwar.com and The American Conservative

 Anti War and The American Conservative

    Throughout society and the media there are many different forms of communication as well as opinions. Are all of these messages and opinions valid? There are many forms of biased, false, and non factual information being put out there to change perspectives or push specific narratives. One of the hardest things nowadays, is to determine whether or not the information being thrown in front of us by media outlets is true and worthwhile, or false and a bunch of garbage. Mainstream news outlets speak on wars freely and openly. When there is a potential risk of America and American citizens being harmed by another country or needing to fight for our lives it is publicized everywhere. But this draws the question why is AntiWar less covered and spoken about in the media as well. Its almost as if you have AntiWar views then that deems you less of an American in society. 

    Looking further on AntiWar's website, they provide many details on  United States foreign policies, their involvement, and spreading the word about non-interventionism. Doing more digging, it proves that the media determines what is news worthy and what is not. This leads to AntiWar news being silenced and less publicized. They dont want to speak on this because this is not what this country stands for necessarily. People would rather highlight war and not having a mature discussion on different viewpoints of it. Overall, everyone should have a voice when it comes to their opinions especially Americans who believe in Anti-war. They should not be struck down because of it. All news out there is important, not just the news that the government or a specific company thinks will be the best appeal to their audience. When you dont speak or cover a topic, it gives citizens less likelihood to be educated on it and gain a new perspective to also share out there amongst others. Antiwar I have never seen reported a day in my life. But, I have seen countless times news on The United States going to war with another country and threats made by one another, and details on when troops would be sent out. In all both sides are important, and have purpose, and we should recognize the faults the media makes daily by pushing one narrative out there rather than another.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Blog #5 EOTO Project Motion Pictures

All About Motion Pictures 


    In Metz France, Louis Le Prince was a french artist known to be one of the first to introduce motion pictures using a single lens camera and a strip of film in 1888. There are 3  forms of Motion Pictures including Movies, Films, and Still Photography with movement. "A film, also called a movie or a motion picture, is a series of still photographs on film projected onto a screen using light in rapid succession. The optical phenomenon known as persistence of vision gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement. https://www.britannica.com/technology/motion-picture-technology" Motion pictures range from documentaries, Experimental, Animated, Fictional genres such as comedies, thrillers, musicals, and more. Some of the major awards given for films are the Academy Awards, the British Academy of Film and Television Awards, and the Césars. The use of brownish lighting, filters, and props, for example, has come to signify the past in films about American life in the early 20th century. Heavily used in The GodFather and Days in Heaven. The brownish tone that is associated with such films is a visual code intended to evoke a viewer’s perceptions of an earlier era, when photographs were printed in brown tones. 

    Lets focus on what are the positives, negatives, and impacts of motion pictures? Film can positively convey drama and emotion, by doing so it gives the viewer a feel making what they are watching feel firsthand or relatable. Not only that, Motion pictures are very complex and involve other communication art forms. Without other art forms such as sound recording, photography, and optics motion pictures would be less advanced as they are today and could have possibly never existed in the first place. Since the discovery of motion pictures, it has become one of the most popular and influential media of the 20th century and beyond. On the other side of things Motion Pictures can also negatively portray a topic, can be violent, misleading, or overall fantasy that can cause false realities. I think it all goes back to communicating your message, and media entirely. How might something be taken in, and also considering the idea that everything being shown may not be taken the same. In addition to that Films and projectors must be transported and maintained. These are main sources of creating Motion Pictures and have to be in good condition or the quality of it can be horrible. Lastly, Films are often used as a form of entertainment rather than an aid to teaching. This can make or break the Motion Pictures world because some films are more sought out than others and people dont want to be educated and taught everyday, but rather have something more light hearted and enjoyable to watch.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Blog #4: Values Of Free Expression

Free Expression


  When it comes to the Eight Values of Free Expression Individual Self-Fulfillment one hundred percent resonates with me the most. I like to speak freely and be myself without anyone else trying to censor that part of being me (Brittan). So let's get into it, shall we. Essentially, Individual Fulfillment by definition is "Free speech enabling individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy (Media Law and Literacy Page)." The first thing that pops into my mind when it comes to Free Speech not only for myself, but for others out in the world is cancel culture. With a large majority of our generation being connected as well as expressing ourselves daily through countless social media platforms you can be cancelled for your own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, values, and actions at any given moment or second. 

    In the real world, Free speech and expression are seriously threatened by cancel culture. In an effort to avoid being "canceled," people may censor themselves, choosing to keep quiet rather than run the risk of negative public reactions. This self-censorship is risky since it silences free thought and hinders growth. This tactic makes it impossible to find a middle ground in conversations. I find it interesting that cancel culture doesn't neceessarily violate the First Amendment, but instead censors people from using their voices to state their opinions. The purpose of free speech is to express your opinions or ideas without the fear of being harmed or punished. Cancel culture makes it hostile for people to find a balance to express themselves, and free speech can be infringed. Individuals being frightened to freely express their beliefs leads them to take a less honest route throughout their encounters with one another. 

    Continuing on, this affects an individual's ability to critically think and creates less room space for unique perspectives. It ultimately defeats the purpose of free speech and creates an obstacle for individuals to have meaningful interactions. People avoid meaningful online conversations because of this poisonous climate and their fear of the repercussions of voicing their thoughts. As a result, the online community becomes less inclusive, varied, and representative. The question that needs to be asked is: Were you silent, or were you SILENCED? Different perspectives helps people gain more knowledge and grow beyond themselves. If we punish those who have a different take from our own, can the world truly grow? Free Expression is a right that we are all guaranteed and should feel comfortable broadcasting all throughout the world for everyone to see. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Blog #3: Take Aways From The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court 

    Throughout watching the Supreme Court videos Part 1 and 2, as well as eyeing information on https://www.history.com/topics/us-government-and politics/supreme-court-facts I have some key take aways I'd like to highlight. As we all know, the Supreme Court is a very important part of how our "system" works. Without it the United States may be even more lost than they have ever been before. To keep it simple, The Supreme Court stands tall as the most profound federal court in the country and regulates the judicial branch. It was put in place due to the constitution, and overtime has kept those archives safe and sound, as this court of law has the most power in jurisdiction.A case that was taken to the Supreme Court that is still highly talked about today and has been challenged is Roe V. Wade. Roe V. Wade occurred in 1973, opening a can of worms debating on whether or not women should have the right to abortions. It was ruled that,"A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception." This means that abortions had been federally protected and a considered a right by the government. 

    In 2022, uproars occurred across the country as Roe V. Wade had been challenged and overturned. Causing what once was protected and a federal right to be stripped away. Very quickly states began banning abortions, leaving women outraged. What shocked me when this happened is that I did not know that they could end up overturning a case they already made a decision on. Especially with it being so long ago. If you made the decision to grant someone abortion rights and protection why take it back? And when you made the decision to overturn it, are there other outlets for people who may need this source out there that are safe. Having it there will guarantee that people who are in situations can choose how they want to live their life and what is the best decision for them in that moment. The most important and surprising take away from The Supreme Court is that each year that get about a thousand or so petitions and only accept a small percentage out of the bunch. Is this fair or is this unfair? Is someone's petition more worthy than someone else's? In the future will more be accepted or will the Supreme Court always stick to their roots? In conclusion, throughout the Supreme Court videos, I thought about how the justices have to put the law first aside from their own opinions, beliefs, and values when making a decision on what is presented in front of them. If it were me, it would seem hard to do depending on the situation.

Roe V. Wade Case

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Blog #2: Identifying Issues Raised Through Video Content

TED TALK Video Recap


    In today’s day and age, technology is advanced. At one click of a button your most precious information can be dispersed into the world for many to see, many to share, many to steal, and many to determine who you are as a person in society. With technology being so advanced, it ensures that what is put out there on the internet by you directly or indirectly by another person sharing information about you, can have the potential to be out there forever. Ultimately, ruining a persons reputation and livelihood for years to come if not forever. The TED TALK: How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down By: Darieth Chisolm is a prime example of this. Darieth Chisholm an educated woman with a high class job, life took a halt when she had recieved a call that nude photos and videos of her had been displayed on sites for viewers to see. She was unaware of this happening and never consented to this happening in the first place. Instead, she was in disbelief and began compiling ways to resolve the situation she was in. This woman had been h
umiliated, embarrassed, ashamed, depressed, angered, and silenced. As her emotions took a toll on her mental health, she did not allow that to stop her. Instead it made her strive for justice even more against her stalkier ex boyfriend who tried to take her down with weapons including threatening texts, revenge porn, and cyber harassment. He wanted to portray Darieth a woman who is a well known news anchor, life and business coach of 20 years as a low-life sleazy woman. 

    The topic of discussion does not specifically affect me as I have never been in Darieth Chisholms shoes, but there is a constant cycle of women being taunted with this shameful tactic. Throughout my years of living, I have seen and heard of multiple stories of women I know or know of having to experience going through someone personally releasing graphic personal photos of them due to conflicts with another person. This affects not only the individual physically and mentally, but also hinders that persons privacy which should be protected at all costs. If the person did not consent to another person sharing graphic personal photos of them, how can they be guaranteed safety. Not only that, but how can other current and future generations of women be protected as well. It is time to have implemented laws that guarantee a reasonable punishment for perpetrators. Throughout the media, they use the term "Revenge Porn," to describe such heinous acts. Darieth describes it exactly as it should be "Digital Domestic Violence." She defines it as someone who can not physically break you down, so they use other weapons through technology to get to you. Within her TED TALK she provides research stating that 1 in 25 women are impacted by revenge porn daily. In addition to that, 1 in 10 women under the age of 30 years old suffer this consequence as well. Women are known to be the main victims of this, but even if roles were reversed it would not be acceptable either. 

    Overall, there is lack of legislation and laws to protect victims and punish individuals. Some states have laws in place such as civil misdemeanors, but is that really enough. Suspects end up paying a small fine and leave free potentially not learning from their mistake and doing it again. The government should have implemented laws for situations like Darieth Chrisolm's stating the offense, how much time you will get in prison, and a much heftier fine. In order to protect ourselves and invasions of privacy, there should be contracts in place, tracking and trace devices, to name a few. 

Blog #9: EOTO Project Citizen Journalism

The Importance of Citizen Journalism:  Citizen Journalism is the collecting and reporting of information via social media, public platforms,...